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1 creatively groomed dogs

Most Creatively Groomed Dogs in the World

There are numerous grooming competitions all over the world that feature some of the most creative designs you've ever seen. Not all of these cute dogs have won…

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1 animals dress better

18 Stylish Animals That Dress Much Better Than You

No, we are not joking at all. These 18 stylish animals know a lot of about fashion, and we hate to tell you this - but they definitely…

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1 awkward pets

17 Extremely Awkward Pics of People and Their Pets

A lot of people are obsessed with taking pictures of (and with) their pets, but these individuals have taken it to a whole new level. Here are 17…

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1 dogs guilty

17 Dogs That are Adorably Guilty

It's not a secret — certain dogs will destroy your house when you're not around. They know they shouldn't do it, but that doesn't stop them from causing…

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1 horryfying creatures

12 Horrifying Creatures Found Inside a Human Body

Scary creatures aren't found inside human bodies only in horror movies. Unfortunately for us, it happens in real life as well! Believe it or not, a 92-year-old woman…

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1 cats laziness

19 Cats Who Took Laziness to a Whole New Level

Dogs can be lazy from time to time, but cats have truly mastered the art of laziness. If you're getting a cat and hoping it will exterminate mice…

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1 sad dogs hug

15 Sad Dogs That Really Need Your Hug Right Now

We all have bad days, and for these dogs that day is today. Quick, someone give them a treat, hug them, and tell them that everything's going to…

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1 scariest creatures

Scariest Wildlife Creatures in the Animal Kingdom

A creature doesn't have to be lethal to look scary and intimidate us with its look, and some of the animals on this list prove that. Of course,…

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1 wooliest sheep

World’s Wooliest Sheep Gets a Haircut That Saves Its Life

Meet Chris - the former owner of the title "wooliest sheep in the world." Chris was found in the outskirts of Canberra, the capital of Australia. After a…

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1 pets birthday

14 Adorable Pictures of Pets Celebrating Their Birthdays

People get to enjoy their birthdays, so why not let our pets party at least one day in the year. Check out these extremely adorable pictures of pets…

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1 clever dolphin

Clever Dolphin Retrieves Woman’s iPhone From Atlantic Ocean

A Miami Heat dancer had a very unique experience when she went swimming with dolphins during her trip to Bahamas.

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1 summer animals

15 Animals Who Understand the Meaning of Summer Better Than You

People aren't the only living beings who are happy when summer arrives. Pretty much every creature in the world loves the warm weather and everything that comes with…

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